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Valentine Week Proposals

By Darline Watts | February 13, 2017
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Love is in the air as February marches on towards cupids day. Valentine’s Day is often the time that marriage proposals are made. Do you wonder what to say to win her forever heart? Afraid of saying the age old words of “Will you marry me?” The following are some […]

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Life Insurance Facts

By Darline Watts | February 24, 2017
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3 in 10 American households are uninsured, 6 of 10 consumers can’t remember being offered to buy life insurance in last 2 years. And 7 out of 10 households have dual incomes.

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Life After Life

By Darline Watts | February 27, 2017
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Life after life…insurance for your love ones after your life. A death in the family is not only emotionally devastating, it can also take a tremendous toll on the future financial security of a family. Suddenly, without the deceased’s income, paying the mortgage or providing for a child’s college education may […]

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5 Rules Every Landlord Should Live By

By | March 16, 2017
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I’m pretty confident that if you asked anyone who has ever owned a rental property you would get an overwhelming response that it’s not as lucrative or easy as they thought it would be. In fact, owning a rental property can be a major pain, and end up costing you […]

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Earthquake detected on graph.

What To Do in an Earthquake

By John Purroy Jackson | August 18, 2020
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What Should You Do if an Earthquake Hits? No one wants to experience an earthquake. But these ground-shaking disasters can happen at any time, and in places where you never thought possible. But what if, like most of our clients, you live on the East Coast? What if you’re a proud […]

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Flood Insurance

By Christopher Cook | October 28, 2014
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[svp]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySFrqTf4GDY[/svp] Discussion about flood insurance.

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Protect Your Valuables with Flood Insurance

By Darline Watts | March 18, 2016
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  Think Safety when faced with flooding! Plan ahead! If flooding occurs, be familiar with how to shut off electricity, gas and water at main switches and valves. Knowing how to do this ahead of time will help you to react quickly and minimize potential damages. When floodwater from a […]

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Flood Insurance Myths

By Darline Watts | April 27, 2017
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If your home is damaged in a flood, are you covered? That depends on the value of your home, the level of water damage and whether you have flood insurance. Regular homeowners insurance policies don’t cover flood water damage. And policies through the National Flood Insurance Program top out at […]

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Rain falling during flood.

It’s Time to Get Real About Flood Insurance

By John Purroy Jackson | September 18, 2018
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You’re in denial about Flood Insurance. There, I said it.  Flood insurance is the most overlooked policy for homeowners in the entire country.  It is the biggest gap in coverage that we deal with on a daily basis, and could easily be resolved with one simple, affordable, government-backed policy.  So […]

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Risks Associated with Ride-sharing Apps

By Darline Watts | June 1, 2017
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Common Exposures of Ride-sharing Apps Ever since the first ride-sharing app debuted in 2011, they’ve experienced exponential growth in usage. In fact, in the cities where such apps have joined the market, taxi ridership has declined anywhere from 10 to 30 percent. However, while the popularity of ride-sharing apps is […]

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