Understanding and Preventing Heart Disease

Understanding Heart Disease Heart disease is actually a broad term used for a wide variety of diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders called arrhythmias and defects of the heart present at birth, also called congenital…

Save on Your Car Insurance

At Alliance Insurance we want to promote your safety, but we also want to help keep down the cost of your auto insurance. To achieve this, we work with MetLife who has arranged for the National Safety Council to offer a…

Insuring Your Valentine Gift

Valentines Day is coming next week, and thoughts of people everywhere turn to special gifts for their loved ones, these gifts often include jewelry and electronics. About one of four Americans buys jewelry, spending $2,000 per year on average, and…

Stay Safe This Winter

10 essential winter driving tips 1. Winterize your vehicle – Check your battery, front and rear defrosters, fill up the washer fluid and antifreeze, inflate your tires to the correct pressure, and keep your gas tank at least half full…

Prevent Your Pipes from Freezing

When temperatures drop, pipes can freeze and burst, causing thousands of dollars in damage. Don’t let this happen in your home. According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, you could pay more than $5,000 to repair water…

Drink Responsibly

Tips for Responsible Alcohol Use Excessive alcohol use can lead to substance abuse problems, including poor health, injuries, and legal problems. Choosing to drink in moderation can help to prevent these problems. In most cases, men can safely drink two…

Selecting Safe Toys

Millions of toys are out there, and hundreds of new ones hit the stores each year. Toys are supposed to be fun and are an important part of any child’s development. But each year, scores of kids are treated in…

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